Course curriculum

  • 1
    Types of Social Work
    • Who Are Social Workers? FREE PREVIEW
    • Child & Family Social Workers - School Social Workers - Adult Social Workers
    • Medical Social Workers - Psychiatric Social Workers - Community Social Workers
    • ...And All of the Other Areas Where Social Workers Work
  • 2
    Roles in a Social Work Organization
    • Federal & State Government FREE PREVIEW
    • Board of Directors - Executive Management
    • Managers - Supervisors
    • Senior Social Workers - Line Staff - Entry Level Social Workers
    • Final Discussion on Social Work Organizations
  • 3
    Social Workers and Bias
  • 4
    • Introduction - Rules of Conduct FREE PREVIEW
    • Personal Contact Information - Social Media
    • Confidentiality - Physical Boundaries
    • Sharing Personal Life - School of Thought #1 - School of Thought #2 - Dual Relationships
    • Romantic/Sexual Relationships - Financial Relationships - Cultural Considerations
    • Work Life Balance
  • 5
  • 6
    Minimum Sufficient Level of Care
  • 7
    Mandated Reporters - included in today's tuition - MODULE TO BE ADDED SOON
    • Included in your tuition amount today. Module in development.
  • 8
    Cultural Competency -vs- Cultural Humility - included in today's tuition - MODULE TO BE ADDED SOON
    • Included in your tuition amount today. Module in development.
  • 9
    Social Justice - Added after initial course rollout - tuition will increase from your price BUT YOU WILL NOT PAY EXTRA IF PURCHASED TODAY
    • Module to be added after initial rollout. Your tuition WILL NOT increase once module is released.
  • 10
    Self Care - Added after initial course rollout - tuition will increase from your price BUT YOU WILL NOT PAY EXTRA IF PURCHASED TODAY
    • Module to be added after initial rollout. Your tuition WILL NOT increase once module is released.


  • Ernesto Bejarano, MSW

    Social Work Practitioner & Technologist

    Ernesto Bejarano, MSW

    Ernesto Bejarano, MSW Social Work Practitioner & Technologist Ernesto is an award winning Social Services practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the field. During these two decades, Ernesto has been fortunate enough to have gained valuable insight in areas that include case management, writing court reports, collection and analysis of data, substance abuse prevention and coalition building, group facilitation, program development, and grant writing. His areas of experience and expertise include Child Welfare, Monitoring and Evaluation, Leadership, and the Integration of Technology and Social Services.

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